Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting caught up!

Travel is glamorous only in retrospect.  Paul Theroux 

Well, maybe, maybe not...haven't decided yet.  The fact that I have fallen this far behind on letting everyone know how we are doing seems a bit thoughtless and self indulgent of me.  We ARE safe and secure and still, more or less, on the move.  Currently the camper is set up in Leah and Adrien's driveway on Vancouver Island - we have reached our "end" destination and are now waiting for little Amalia to make her way out of Leah's womb and into the world for all of us to share in the holding and caring of her.  Our family will head back to the states shortly after Amalia arrives and will be able to stay on Vashon Island while the job hunt for Andrew continues.  In the mean time - I thought I would do a little travel back in time and share some of the photos that haven't been shared yet. So, last time we had left from Arkansas and were on our way to Oklahoma and it wasn't almost my birthday...

What to do, what to do on your 35th birthday in Oklahoma City?  Well, we chose Oklahoma City because it was the closest Lush store and I wanted Lush goodies for my birthday.  Yes, I am that demanding.  And, I didn't want to drive through Kansas.  After searching maps and internet for a fun campsite or SOMETHING appealing in Kansas I came to the conclusion that we were better off skipping this tragically boring state.  Sorry Kansas...Oklahoma City had a Lush AND a COWBOY MUSEUM!!!! Since I couldn't be with my bestie for my birthday I thought I would do something fun that would make me think of her all day.  Megs, I miss you and this would have been an amazing museum for us to go through with the kiddos :)  

Walk into the museum and this giant statue stands at the end of the hallway.  Gorgeous and thought provoking. 

Tried to get a lower angle looking up at the statue...impossible to capture how massive this structure is. 

It's strange to walk through a museum and see things that you have OWNED and USED in the display cases. 

Thoughts of Bird and polaroids :) 

I now pronounce you man and wife...hee hee :) I would marry this man every day of my life over and over again.  

Kissy kissy :)  Thankfully Aydan is comfortable enough seeing his parents kiss all the time that he doesn't mind taking photos of us together. 

Bad Aydan.  Jail for you! 

Hmmmhhh...not the pledge I know but I like it better...

The American Cowboy...fascinating and still very much a presence, although not in the same way. 

Cowgirls!  Did you know that cowgirls didn't start wearing pants until the 1930s even though they had been working in the south west long before that?  

Cowgirl outfit - again, thoughts of Megan - don't you have this outfit somewhere? :) Don't you wish you did? :

Cowboy ukulele!  

Ha ha ha!  Sometimes, me too! 

And then there was the children's dress up section...

where Andrew and Aydan decided to explore their own cowboy style. 

or something...

What up, Abe. 

We did attempt Pho for lunch and spring rolls - thoughts of Baan Mi Barista in the Fort - not as good which was disappointing but you know, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Stayed for two days at Lake Thunderbird in Oklahoma. 

Aydan assisting in our goodbye to the campsite...

Next stop - Texas!  

OK!  So, I will do my best to get us all caught up between stories and photos and real time...but that may never happen.  This was such an amazing summer and I felt the pull to play more than anything else.  Yes, our travels have been "glamorous" in their way - they were also challenging, hot, sweaty, occasionally full of stress and dirt...but isn't that they way life goes?  Our charmed lives are still moving forward, we take the good with the bad and hope always for the best.  

Love to all.