Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hands down: Utah

And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.
Oh, Billy, you have such a way with words and an ability to find truth that is simply genius.  I noticed that, for the most part, our 2013 summer trip consisted of adventures outdoors.  Lakes and oceans and rivers and forests and trees and rock formations and caves…we were able to feel and see a little bit of everything.  My appetite has not been completely sated for travel, I doubt it ever will be, but I certainly feel as though I have little notches to add to my belt of beautiful places I have seen.  One of the best places we went over the summer has not received the attention it should have.  In all honesty, the Arches National Park was one of the most breathtaking (physical exertion and scenery induced) places we visited on our journey. 
Our plans took a major shift after our stay in Colorado.  One of our last nights in Colorado Springs we were all sitting in the camper, getting ready to head to bed, and, without warning, the camper took a huge slump forward and down.  One of the jacks in the front had given out completely.  Seeing as that is the main support for raising, lowering and resting the camper on, we were a little concerned.  But, daddy didn’t raise no fool and the thought of jack stands and working on cars with my father came to mind.  I knew they made jack stands that would hold the weight of the camper and would provide the same function as the stands that were built in on the camper in the first place.  That night, Andrew engineered a stand with some things he found in the camper and a few pieces of firewood to keep the camper where it should be and the next day we bought the jack stands. 
When things start to break down, it’s usually a good time to reevaluate what you’re going to be doing next.  The plan from Colorado had been to travel through the southern part of Utah, through Nevada with a stop in Vegas, then on to California where we would have visited with Emily before heading north to San Francisco and a trip to Alcatraz, and finally heading north to be with Nora for a visit in Oregon.  Big plans.  Reality also stepped in and helped us to realize that we were running out of time, finances and energy.  Being on the move daily, setting up and taking down camp every few days, and, for me, the heat of summer was really starting to take its toll.  I guess you could say we needed a break from our vacation.  Wah wah wah.  I’m such a spoiled girl…
The change took us north into Utah and that meant looking for different places to camp and set up and blah blah blah.  Through my usual hunting for places to visit and stay I had already discovered that Utah was crazy beautiful in a carved out of rock kind of way.  The one snag we kept coming across were available camping locations.  We decided we would aim for the Arches National Park, spend some time there and then decide what we would be doing next.

My only regret on this part of the trip was that we didn’t have/make more time for more exploration through this amazing park.  I have never seen land like this before or seen rocks so massive and shaped in such bizarre ways.  I found myself frequently standing and staring at some giant boulder balanced on this thin column of rock and I would be shaking my head, marveling at how nature just DOES things.  I know that we now have a way to know how things happened and how the earth shifts and moves and climate plays a role and all that scientific brilliance that also boggles my brain but for that moment, it was the gorgeousness of nature that held me captivated and science was being told to hush.

If there are words, read it.  That's what we attempt to do as much as possible.  I figure all that information has to be out there for a reason. 

Elephant :) 

From the base of the cavernous area...

to the back and up a ways. 

From me to Aydan. 

From me to Andrew. 

And me...after dashing up to the back of the formation with the dogs. 

Me and Andrew. 

Me and Aydan. 

Look up...

This was the second decent hike of the day we took.  It was an attempt to see Delicate Arch but once we got to this point here, maybe a mile in, started raining.  I don't know if you can tell from some of the pictures how dark and thick the clouds were but we knew that we didn't want to be stuck out on a trail if it really started to pour.  We made it back to the car and were all packed up and ready to go before the first heavy rain drops started to fall.  Before we even got back to the main road of the park the sky was nearly black and the wind was pushing against the car with a force we could feel from inside.  This was a moment of our trip here that couldn't be captured with photos.  The quietness inside the car with only the sound of the rain and the engine making noise and those giant rock formations being starkly illuminated under the harsh lightning that came with the storm.  

Sometimes we get to see how primal our world really is.  Sometimes, without street lights, without the radio, without even the sound of our voices, we can see the same scene that has been playing on repeat for thousands of years. This is when I feel like the insignificant intruder that I am.  I am this microscopic speck of nothing, as far as the timing of our universe is concerned, and yet I get to humbly partake in the world around me, a world that reveals and hides and shares and one that I fear and hope for.  I am grateful for this life of mine.  I hope to be worthy of my time here. 

Annnnddd...that wraps that up!  I know that we will be planning trips to go to the places that we missed along the way, LA is definitely towards the top as I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see where my sister in law lives and works and I have a very dear friend that lives there that has offered me a tour of his beyond cool place of employment and I just can't miss out on either of those things.  Plus, I have yet to see Alcatraz, the Winchester Mansion, or the Redwoods.  All west coast destinations and on the get-there list.  

BUT...we will have to wait for a while now until after Arthur is born.  There are many, many plans still unfolding and our little group gets more excited about our move to Bend every day.  Although, for Aydan, it's the trip to Fort Wayne that gets him all kinds of giddy.  Much is happening and I'm sure there will be many more postings and photos to come.  

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mom is wow upside down.

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. Tenneva Jordan

I miss my mom.   I don’t know if I ever won’t miss her.   Moments that are past and moments that are coming up that she won't ever be a part of, leave my heart sad.  Now, expecting child #2 with all the craziness that comes along with it, I extra miss her.  But my mom helped make me strong and capable and while I feel the lack of her presence deeply, I still have her lessons with me every day. 

I am also a lucky girl and I have been granted a life that has been filled with lovely women and mothers who have helped inspire and educate me on how to be a better person.  Not only that, but last year I did this crazy thing and I got married!  With that, my life became enriched even further with Mama Nora and Grandma Rita.  I am still being guided in my life by gentle, loving, nurturing mother's hands.   

Me and my mom at a wedding for a family member I think?  I don't even know how old I am in this picture but I sure was a cute kid at one point in my life. 

Years later, me and my mom at my father's retirement from the navy.  I think this was 2001 or 2002, I know Aydan was little little when we went to this event.  Looking at pictures like this one reminds me of all the times in my life I have been told I look "just like your mother".  

Seattle Museum of Art Sculpture park.  

Space Needle and dude chillin' at the park. 

This smiling sweetheart is Miss Margo and we are SO thankful to have had her to interact with while we have been in Seattle.  She's definitely given us lovely people to hang out with and the gift of her warm personality.  

Crumpets and her boy. 

I'm the blur of back and white in the silver beam you see there.  I really will have photos of me and the growing belly baby posted someday but I rarely ever take pictures of myself and I don't ever ask for my picture to be taken, never have....well, except for our wedding but that was different, right? 

Aydan was intrigued by how they were cool to the touch even though the sun was shining right on them. 

And then the guys talked about it...but I really don't remember the outcome of the conversation...

Aydan & Andrew.  Crumpets & Rosie.  Love & more love. Things that just belong together.  

The guys made dinner that night.  Not really because it was mother's day or anything, although that was nice, but Aydan and Andrew had a curry making lesson planned and the timing worked out perfectly.  Aydan really enjoys Andrew's curry and asks for it pretty much all the time.  But with his growing interest in learning how to really make things in the kitchen, Aydan wanted curry but he also wanted to be the one to make it 

Taste testing or better known as Chef's privilege in our house.  I always say if you're the one in the kitchen it's totally ok to be the one sampling everything too.  

Checking on progress. 

Chopped up pile of squash and my little love mug smiling serenely in the background.  

Now this is my kind of puzzle.  I really do enjoy putting together puzzles but my favorites are the ones that are made out of miniature things like this one.  If it's tiny, it's cute and I will love it.  I can't help it and I don't want to.  I love looking at all the tiny details that make up a normal looking scene like this one. This was part of my mother's day gift as well as one of the super finds while out thrifting a few weekends ago with Andrew.  I was also able to find two dresses and a white cardigan to wear.  Thank goodness!  I'm fairly certain these dresses will make it through the pregnancy and past and I'm just so grateful for something pretty and flattering to wear.  

My other mother's day gift were some of the supplies I had been craving for making a few gift projects.  I have them all done and mailed out as of yesterday.  Just a little late but it's the thought that counts, I hope.  Megan would tell you that one of my love languages is gift giving and she's absolutely right.  Few things in this world give me as much pleasure as putting together little gifts filled with love for people that are dear to me.  

And...well...that's all for now :)