Thursday, June 13, 2013

On the road and at rest - part 1

“What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” - Jack Kerouac, "On the Road" 

“One goodbye…is never enough!” Each time I think that phrase in my head I hear that guy in Oklahoma (the musical, and maybe the sate) singing it when he’s showing that one chick how the Parisians say goodbye…some of you know what I’m talking about and some of you don’t, but the statement is still true whether you sing it in your head or not.  Fort Wayne, we cannot be limited to a one time goodbye!  We have to do it once…and then again…and yet again…and then we’ll really be gone…you know, until we come back to visit.  And we WILL come back to visit.   

Fort Wayne, we love you.  Well, I’ll speak for myself and say that I love you.  I truly do.  As the time to leave zoomed up to our front door and asked if we were ready to go it seemed as though Fort Wayne decided to put up just a little bit of a fight to show she (yes, I think of this town as a female. Pretty sure that’s an instinctual decision on my part) loved us too but also that she loved us enough to let us take our lessons we learned here and apply them to a new life in a new city that we would someday also fall in love with.  What a gracious place you are, FW, and this is just one of the many reasons why I adore you.   How fortunate am I to have been exposed to so many amazing people and ideas while living in the Fort?  I feel as though I was just uncovering the beginning of something on the fast track to an over flow of awesomeness.  I hope that the sense of community  I was only beginning to discover continues to grow.  It is an amazing thing to stumble upon and to be able to be a part of it, even if it’s more at the fringe than in the center.  To those shaking and stirring things up, I salute you, envy you and am inspired by you!  Please keep being the amazing presence you are!

But back to leaving…Saturday, our last day in the house, was some sort of semi-organized pandemonium.  We were finishing up with the packing and loading and pitching that we had been working on for most of the week but the time had come to truly break down home into house.    Each room was gone through systematically and was emptied and cleaned.  The process was tiring, frustrating and sad.  We will be returning to Fort Wayne in a few days but we will never return to our home there.  It is hard to say good bye when you have so many amazing memories of a place. 

Daylight was nearly gone by the time we were ready to fold up the camper and get our butts on the road. Walking around the camper I realized we had a side that wasn’t latched as it should be.  It was broken.  Fantastic.  The latches help to hold the top of the camper down while you’re driving, the front latches are especially important.  Not too shocking that the front left side was the one busted.  We drove with it, the determination that had kept us going through out the day turned into foolish stubbornness. We hoped that if we just pushed forward long enough to find dinner we could give it a short test run to see how it would do.  Well, the back left latch decided to join the front left latch and we now had a real problem.  Thankfully, extremely hungry and worn out  boys pick out places to eat located right by Meijer stores!  Yay for greasy deliciousness in the form of a Steak and Shake!  Dinner was consumed quickly enough and the hunt for ratchet straps (the solution we decided to try to keep the top of the camper down) was begun.  We were able to find what we were looking for and bought two, one for in the front, one for in the back…but neither Andrew or I really knew how to use them.  Thirty minutes later we had the Mark  Twain successfully strapped down and our trip to Lansing begun!  Whew!

We did arrive late (or would 4 am be considered early?) to Aunt Linda, Uncle Kevin, and Grandma Rita's house but thankfully Aunt Linda was awake to say hello and help us get settled in for the  But that shall be the next part of the story!  I have been trying to get this done for days.  Who knew relaxing could be so time consuming? :)  Right now I have a morning kayak date with my husband and a travel mug of coffee.  Have an amazing day all! 

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