Monday, June 3, 2013

No more Sundays in this house...

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.
Havelock Ellis 

It just hit me.  This is the last Sunday we will be living in our house...followed by the last Monday, the last Tuesday...oh, you get the point.  But gosh darn it, my eyes go wide just thinking about it.  Our house is already losing the quality that makes it feel like a home.  Chairs are rearranged and bookshelves are sold.  The desk that has held the computer for the last several months  is gone and that corner is now empty.  It's strange how I feel and see the ghost of our family as we were living here even while we are still living here.  Does that make sense?  There is a separation that is beginning while our lives are still overlapping between the last chapter and this new chapter, like a page turning in a book but oh so slowly that none of the words on the next page are visible.  At least, not yet.

The true inspiration for this post comes from the yard sale this weekend.  There are one or two pictures of our house before the yard sale, but just in case, here is the living room before....

And here is the living room after.

The living room has pretty much been the catch all room for the things that we are getting rid of so this may not be as impressive as it could be BUT the rest of the house is pretty darn empty.  The yard sale being done and out of the way is a huge relief.  We posted a few things on craigslist as well but, come Friday, Salvation Army will come and pick up everything else.  The next morning we will begin our trip with our first stop in Lansing, MI for a visit with Grandma Rita, Aunt Linda and Uncle Kevin (Andrew's side of the family).  

Sunday we had an adventure in getting eye exams done.  This had originally started with a contact lens exam for me but then we found out that Aydan couldn't read the third line down on the chart with his left eye and had him sit in as well.  The kid needs glasses.  He made it longer than I did without them!  He will look so cute with glasses though.  I was also able to talk Andrew into getting his eyes checked out and getting an updated pair of glasses.  The vision place has them buy one get one free so we might as well, right?  My men will look extra handsome with sharp new specs :) 

The end of our weekends was spent sharing porch time with some of our nearest and dearest here in the Fort.  Joy and John opened up their house for pizza and hang out time.  I made brownies to share. 

This is the third batch of no dairy, no gluten, no wheat, no sugar brownies that I have made and I would love to take a picture of them when they are baked but I have to try them like the moment they get out of the oven so they never stay whole long enough to take a photo.  They are also so darn good that once I take that first nibble, I want more.  I am going to master gluten free and no sugar baking to help people with sensitivities like mine to still eat what they love and not damage their bodies.  Or, I'll just continue to make food for people who love to eat.  That could work too. I simply adore food! 

Pizza, friends, dancing kids, and cute animals made for a fun night after an exhausting weekend.  I feel this picture of Andrew somewhat displays the level of comfort found with this group of friends. 

While we gently extract ourselves from our lives here I feel the soft dreams of our upcoming transition begin to warm, and open, become more realized as we move closer to our departure date.  I know that we are fortunate beyond imagination to be able to make this move AND travel to amazing locations before settling into our new home but I am so looking forward to that new settling that I am afraid of rushing us unnecessarily.  Our road trip is going to be so much more than sightseeing - this is about learning and strengthening what we already know about ourselves.  This year has handed our little family some very big lessons and I feel that we will be able to hone in on what those lessons were and choose what we want to take away from them while we are traveling.  Dream come true to be able to have the right people, the right time and the amazing level of support we have to be able to take this path.  I constantly find myself humbled by what life can do.   

Alright, it's time to get this day started for real and, as many of you will notice, I'm actually posting this on Monday (our LAST Monday in this house...) instead of Sunday like the title says because I made choices that kept me away from my computer.  Now I need to make that same choice and get stuff done around the house.  AND ...again, I will post some pictures from this last week as we are prepping to move...

He's just so handsome!  And he can certainly rock out that floppy do :)

Welcome back bacon from the Southside Farmer's Market!  Thank you to Michael for being kind enough to pick some up for us along with a giant chicken.  YUM! 

The floppy hair style is very "in" at the moment for our family...well, at least the guys.  Andrew was amazing at helping and working our yard sale.  His energy and friendliness were so much fun to watch and work with.  I love my husband! 

My memory box, packed and ready to go. 

Aydan giving some of his gear a trial run at a birthday party before the real deal happens. 

Agatha is seriously the funniest little girl I know.  She made her face like this and then giggled about how funny she was for taking such a bad picture.  She made sure to tell me that I can ever, never, never get rid of this picture.  Cross my heart and hope to die, Princess Aga. 

Once she realized how funny she was, it was much harder to not smile. I'm sure it didn't help that Megan and I were trying so hard NOT to crack up with her and were also failing fantastically.  Too much fun :) 

All those derogatory things that are associated with a dog's life do not apply to these spoiled girls.  They did this while Andrew and I did the yard sale.  It's a dog's life indeed! 

OK! I am done.  We are rapidly approaching the moment of departure that we are all waiting for and the story is just going to get better from here.  Love to all! 

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