Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pulled from the draft pile

Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it! I say. Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. - Pope Paul VI

 It is so hard to sit down and type out what is happening when I am busy making things happen, you know?  Oh, I know, poor Traci, just having so much fun running all over Michigan and seeing friends and family and spending time in a magical little cabin in the woods...but if that's what you were doing would you really want to step too far away from it?  Instead of snuggling up to Andrew and sleeping for three or so more hours I decided my body was right in waking me at 6 am.  I have had my time to sift through facebook and zillow, my coffee is waiting for me on the stove and there is a gorgeous early morning reflection of sunlight on the lake outside, muffled by the trees between me and the lake shore.  I can't even express my gratitude for my time here.

I took pictures around the cabin so I can share this family time capsule with everyone.  There is history here and a family pride I can certainly understand and am honored to be a part of.  I can't get over how much I love and am loved by my new extended family!  Blessed beyond belief!  

Crumpets and Rosie in the cozy main room.  This room leads to pretty much every room in the cabin and there's this wonderful open floor space so you can always be interacting with people in the room.  

Hats! I did attempt to wear one of the wide brimmed hats on one of our kayak rides but I didn't pick one that had a strap so I kept losing it off my head.  Lesson learned: wind beats hat. 

Probably should have lightened up this photo but I'm sure you can see it's a super cool piano.  We have all been impressed with Aydan's ability to figure out songs by ear and make up (beautiful!) music all his own.  More music is a must for this young man!

Scary steep stairs that lead to the loft.  The boys have slept up there for their time here and have loved it. 

That really is an Aydan sleeping in that bed :)  Wake up!  There's things to do! 

Ah, Rosie!  She becomes more dog like, happy and active all the time.  Both of the pups seem to be doing well with all the changes we are putting them through.  But they get so much more activity and family time that I don't think they mind all the bouncing around we do.  

More hats! :) And part of a kitchen I have spent quite a bit of time in.  Always the most used room in any space I inhabit. 

From one room to the next.  This sliding window separates the main room from the front room (?).  You can look straight through and see the lake from these windows.  Such a nurturing view. 

Old family photos are found all over the cabin. 

To the left, front room action. That table has been the location for me and my laptop several times.  Andrew joins frequently and, for us, it's just like being at home.  We will probably always need a set up where we can hang out on our computers and with each other.  The boys have used this area nearly every night to hang out and play minecraft.  They are usually pretty tired from playing so hard outside so I can't say I mind too much. 

There is so much artistic talent in Andrew's family!  This sculpture was done by his grandmother Matthews and sits on the table I mentioned above.  There is a book put together here at the cabin that has many examples of Betty Matthews' art work and shares the story of her encouraging creativity in her children as well. 

Right side of the front room. 

Macon is Andrew's great grandparents :)  How cool! 

The blond boy in the top left corner is my husband :)  Hee hee :) 

More old family photos. 

Main room facing towards kitchen. 

I love this.  The big middle framed piece is a tribute to Andrew's great grandmother for assisting as a driver during WWII.   

We have had an absolutely delightful time staying in this enchanting place.  We have accomplished things that needed to be done on the camper/to the camper and devised plans for other things to be done.  Aydan, Lars and Leif have had a great time running around and being boys.  Andrew and I have enjoyed living a life together that we never could have dreamed of without the other person being there. 

Last Tuesday we packed up and headed over to Traverse City to spend time with my dear Megan and her family.  Her wedding was this past weekend and they were vacationing before the wedding instead of after. 

Lake Michigan as we were driving into Traverse City.  

Agatha being close to the water but not getting in the water :) 

Andrew walking along the beach. 

Agatha sitting in front of Megan was too funny not to take a picture of.  One of my favorite pictures from the day :) 

The starting of a sand castle...

Time only allowed us to get about this far before the group decided it was walk time. 

Beach time Rosie!  Megan, Aga, the dogs, and I separated from the rest of the group to take a walk that would be gentler on Megan's leg.  We walked for a while, and then sat down to chat while Agatha found various ways to occupy herself.  

My photogenic pup :) 

Gah!  I know the sun is making this photo barely visible but Aydan is holding Agatha's hand and they are getting ready to cross the street together.  These two are something special together and always have been.  Similar souls, I'm sure of it. 

Before leaving to head back to the cabin I expressed my regret at not getting to do at least one dune climb but was really content with my time spent with Megan so it was a mild complaint and whatever.  But when you say things like that to Andrew he says things like, "well, let's go!".  And we did.  The main dune climb at sleeping bear dunes is there behind Aydan and while it may not seem all that impressive, I assure you, it is. 

Me and my kiddo and a blazingly bright sun behind us.  

Andrew and Aydan starting off. 

The view from the sort of top.  There are more dunes to climb behind this one but we all were pretty much done after we had reached this point. 

Way up high...higher than expected for sure. 

"crumpets, are you as tired as I am?" 

Running down the hill with the dogs.  Aydan led the way. 

They run, I take pictures.  

They are exhausted...and I still take pictures :) 

Resting up for another run. 

There they go again...

The dogs just want to rest and make sure that Andrew's ok. 

Driving to and from and what it looks like from my side of the car.  Andrew pointed out that he is in the picture.  His hands are reflected in my sunglasses.  Clever boy! :) 

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