Sunday, July 21, 2013

Must share photos: Palo Duro Canyon, Texas

I have already posted the love I have for our last stay and I figured while we are driving with 4G I would get some photos of our stay up. If you guys are ever in the northern part of Texas check this place out. Crazy beautiful and soul enriching. 
First night's hike.  
I love seeing Andrew with his camera out. He's not always so snap happy but this trip seems to have coaxed him into an armature photographer. 
I took this picture standing in our camp site. Dang. 
Why yes, sunflower trail sounds lovely. 

Cacti! Everywhere. Totally new terrain for all of us but I think most challenging for the pups...the occasional stray from the main path could be confusing and painful. We did have to pull a thorn from Rosie's paw.  
Yeah, that kind of thorn. Poor Rosie girl. 

Now, lets just focus on the pretty...

Ah pictures are never the same as being there. How do you share the texture of the wet clay under our feet and rubbed between our fingers or how we felt like we were walking through our own adventure, or the strange creeped out fascination at finding a dead tarantula rapidly being taken apart piece by tiny piece by the ants swarming all over it? Well, maybe a little taste of it can be shared through words but still... 

And now for a truly homey addition: honey I washed the kids soap by the camper sink for our hands. I was treated to a Lush gift from Mama Nora and we decided this was a must have. Thanks again, Mama N :) 

We can think of this as "what's outside Traci's window today" photo series. And this was the last two mornings. 

Walk up to the bathroom. 

Walk down from the bathroom. Lots and lots of water drinking had me up and down this hill at least six times one day...the good thing was that health and strength have improved and made this an easy jaunt. Also, there was a little lizard that seemed to be using the sidewalk there for a sunning spot and we saw him or her nearly every time we got up there. 


Wi-fi, air conditioning, good coffee and a whipped cream topped hot chocolate made for a pleasant and productive part of our afternoon. 

Driving down into the canyon.

Light house trail hike from this morning. 

Panorama shot with my awesome iphone. I love this little device. 

And as I prepare to publish this we are nearly to our first campsite in Colorado. That will be the next update though...and the photos and stories that are behind us will be finished up soon too. AND a map - where we have been and where we are going. 

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