Tuesday, September 30, 2014

To the best of my recollection and ability...

Once again life has done what I should just expect it to do - balance something horrible with something better than I could have ever hoped for. Did I do enough whining about how horrendous this pregnancy was?  Well, for every sleepless night, for every puke filled bowl, for every day I could barely walk for the pain that seemed to dominate the majority of my body, for all of that and so much more, the child that we were given is simply one of the most beautiful, sweetest babies I think I have ever met.  Biased? Sure.  What parent isn't? But I'm also fairly certain that this might be a statement anyone who spends a little bit of time with Arthur would be hard pressed to argue with.

We've been asked for the birth story a few times by different people and I feel the need/want to record part of it in our blog, partly for me and partly for those who are curious about the details.

For those of you that may not know, we were scheduled to be induced August 21, a week sooner than our official due date.  Our doctor felt, considering my medical history, it would be best to have me under medical supervision from beginning to end,  No arguments from me on that one.  I like to have things planned out, even the unpredictability of delivering a baby, and I felt so much safer knowing that Arthur and I would be monitored thoroughly throughout the birthing process.  We had been given the all clear for having a vaginal delivery but there was still a heightened sense of vigilance because of all the things I had been through and how they could resurface again in the face of the stress my body would be undertaking.

Despite all the things we could be worried about, Andrew and I didn't feel worried.  We felt calm, prepared, READY!  We agreed that there was no way of telling what life was going to be like after this little guy arrived.  Even though every ultrasound we had showed Arthur to be perfectly healthy, there is always the chance that something won't be right and won't be known until after delivery.  But we knew, no matter what, we could handle it.  So, at our 7:30 am check in, we were our normal selves - charming and joking around with the lady checking us in as well as our nurses when we were taken to our room.

And here's where a month wait blurs things because I can't seem to remember all the steps we went through to urge little Arthur out.  I know I had my IV started shortly after we arrived - that's always fun.  I'm pretty sure one was just liquids to keep me hydrated and the other one was Pitocin - a form of oxytocin that can stimulate contractions.  We hung with that for a while - contractions had started but they were extremely mild -  and in the early afternoon they broke my water...which was gross... but necessary as we were looking to help push labor along.  The next thing was the epidural.  The pain was getting to a point where this felt like the next logical step.  Epidurals are not comfortable to get but I have to say, for me, it was totally worth it.  When I had Aydan he was ready and out so fast that I never needed anything adjusted in my pain medication but Arthur was proving to be a bit too cozy and maybe just a little stubborn.  Don't know where he would get that from...

It turned out that Arthur was laying the wrong way.  Babies are born face down and Arthur was laying face up which meant that the back of his head was pressing uncomfortably on the nerves in my lower back.  When I say uncomfortably, what I really mean is horrifically painfully.  The epidural was adjusted but I was still crying and biting my lip in pain.  The nurses tried several things to get Arthur to twist back to where he should be.  First we tried laying on one side and then the other, when that didn't really do much they added what they called "Mr. Peanut" - think two medium sized exercise balls stuck together.  Mr. Peanut was put between my legs and I was again moved from side to side.  Still no relief.  There were other things that were tried but finally, maybe around 1 am, the epidural was at a level that the pain was under control and I was able to fall asleep for the majority of the night.

Obviously, my hope that we would be in and delivered the same day had come to an end.  The next morning we had finally moved from 5 cm dilated to 8 cm but it wasn't until close to 9 am that it became obvious that it was time to push.  This was of course the perfect time for my nausea to hit full force.  I spent the first hour or so of my active labor vomiting to the point of exhaustion.  There were concerns that I wouldn't be able to do what I needed to do added to the already present concern that Arthur's heart rate was dropping too low during contractions.  I know the medical team we had was on edge, and maybe Andrew as well, but I told them I needed a break and despite the worried looks that crossed everyone's faces, I put my head back and fell asleep.  The nap took maybe 15 minutes, maybe less, but it was enough for me to wake up recharged and full of determination to get Arthur OUT.  My nurses were amazing cheerleaders, Andrew stood by my side through the whole thing, and with a final, pressure filled push, little Arthur was finally out and up on my chest.

And he was perfect.  What I remember the most was feeling joy bubble up out of me in the form of laughter that I just couldn't hold back - each time I laughed, Arthur's crying would pause and he would roll his little eyes up to look at me and I knew he knew that sound well.  Andrew cried, held us and kissed us both and even cut the chord when it was time.  So many things could have gone wrong and the fact that we were now holding the tiny life we had waited so long to meet was an incredible moment for both of us.

The first phone call we made was, of course, to Nora and Aydan.  I knew they were pretty anxious to meet him as well.  It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the hospital and for introductions to be made.  We knew that Nora would be completely enamored of her tiny grandson but I know I was still waiting to see how Aydan would react.  It was, and still is, my opinion that Aydan was going to enjoy being a big brother more than he realized and, so far, I have been right.  I always knew that Aydan would be an amazing big brother, although I never really thought I was going to find out for sure.  Yet here we are, with a little tiny guy in the house and this big, nearly man like guy doing a superb job of looking after him.

I cannot express how right this feels.  And how surreal.  I didn't think I would ever be married and now I am married and still totally in love with my husband.  He is the best partner I could ever ask for.  I never thought I would have another child but now I am the mother of two beautiful sons.  Being a stay at home mom was never something I thought I would get, or want, to do, but each day I am grateful that I am taking care of our family in a way that keeps us happy and healthy.  This path I am currently on is one I don't think I ever would have seen for myself but I am deeply in love with my life.  Even on the worst days, I feel that I walk through my life in a haze of happiness and a smile never far from my lips.  The best part is the realization that we are still just at the beginning of this adventure, that we have so many days to look forward to and whatever we do, we are going to be ok because we have each other.  

Bundled up and held close.  Andrew just started getting adjusted to life as father to a teen, now he is a dad in a whole new way. 

First time held by big bro Aydan - heart melting!  I have a feeling this is the start of a super special relationship. 

View from my bed to see my sweet, sweet husband completely entranced by our tiny son.  It is certainly something to behold, a child so freshly brought into this world, a combination of two people who continue to be deeply in love with each other and their family.  We are so lucky. 

First bath!  This kid was born with a crazy amount of hair.

Arthur calms quickly was he's placed on the warm towels under the heating lamp.  Much better. 

See, that's not so bad...

Let's get a little closer to that tiny, sweet face.  

Umm...possibly the cutest photo of a newborn?  He even looks like he's smiling, all bundled up in his elephant swaddling blanket with a cute little hat on his head.  Cute, cute, cute.  You know, if I do say so myself.

I can't even express how much I love this picture.  Arthur in his tiny bassinet while Andrew takes a nap on the couch.  If I remember correctly, we were waiting to be able to check out.  

Safely bundled up for our drive home. 

These two are going to be awesome together and already are.  I love how Aydan loves his little brother.  Age gaps this far apart are not excessively common but I think this worked out perfectly.  They are both at such different places in their lives and require such different levels of attention and care.  We are learning how to work things out with a newborn, but so far so good. 

Have I mentioned how much I looooove this man?  Love him.  And if it were possible, I fell even more in love with him seeing him hold our baby. 

I think that is about it for me for the moment.  There are so many more photos and I will...maybe...get to adding those in the future but for now I have been working on this post off and on for weeks and I just want it wrapped up and out there.  I keep telling myself that I'll get caught up but life keeps happening and I don't always have the energy I need to do the things I want to do when I'm thinking of them.  Today though, everything has worked out and now, it's time to post.   

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